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Friday, January 28, 2011

Deadline extended for express bus operators to move from Bukit Jalil to the Southern Integrated Terminal

According to a statement issued today by the Land Public Transport Commission, the deadline for all express bus operators – serving destinations south of Kuala Lumpur – to relocate to the Southern Integrated Terminal in Bandar Tasik Selatan, KL will be extended to March 1.
The decision to extend the deadline was made by the Government to give the express bus operators more time to relocate from the Bukit Jalil Temporary Bus Terminal to the new six-storey terminal. The extension is also to avoid the public getting confused during the heavy travel demand period around Chinese New Year.
The extension of the deadline will also to enable new ticket counters to be constructed in the terminal, to enable bus operators with their own ticketing system to sell their tickets at the terminal.
The Government has also set up an Operational Readiness Task Force, which is headed by the LPTC. The task force is to ensure the smooth migration of express bus operators to the SIT by the new deadline.

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